Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Obama works to Overhaul TARP

DECEMBER 17, 2008

Team Tries to Meld Some Paulson Ideas With Aid to Borrowers Facing Foreclosure

WASHINGTON -- The incoming Obama administration is considering a series of initiatives to combat the financial crisis, including some efforts to help banks that the Bush administration has tried with limited success.
Among the plans being discussed are injecting more capital into banks, creating a market for illiquid assets clogging the books of financial institutions and helping borrowers who are having trouble making their mortgage payments.
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President-elect Barack Obama greets people Tuesday in Chicago, where he met with his economic team about ways to address the financial crisis.

On Tuesday, members of President-elect Barack Obama's economic team briefed Mr. Obama on ways to address the financial crisis and also on plans for an economic-stimulus package.
While Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson has seized on equity investments in banks as Treasury's primary mechanism to help resolve the financial crisis, the Obama team is developing a broader approach that would likely incorporate multiple remedies.
The new administration is "trying to put components together that...will be complementary...while recognizing there's no easy answer," said a person familiar with its plans.
The Obama team, hoping to avoid the criticism leveled at Mr. Paulson by lawmakers that he lacks a consistent strategy, is also working to come up with a way to cogently explain the rationale behind its approach.

One key distinction will be in the approach to helping homeowners facing foreclosure. Mr. Paulson and the White House have resisted calls to embark on a government rescue of homeowners. The Obama team, by contrast, sees that as a critical leg of its financial-crisis rescue plan, people familiar with the matter said.

Democratic lawmakers are pushing for Mr. Obama to take steps quickly to help at-risk borrowers. Details of the Obama foreclosure plan aren't known, in part because they are still being hashed out.

In a fresh sign of the magnitude of the financial crisis, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. braced for more bloodletting in the U.S. banking industry. The five-member board of the FDIC, which is in charge of unwinding failed banks, voted Tuesday to increase the agency's 2009 budget to $2.24 billion, an increase of $1 billion, compared with 2008, and said it planned to beef up its bank-examination and supervisory staff by more than 500 to 6,269. It would pay for the increase by levying higher fees on banks.

While it is unclear exactly what the Obama financial rescue will look like, it is expected to continue Mr. Paulson's attempts at addressing the lack of capital at financial institutions. That could mean additional equity injections, as well as an effort to have the government boost the value of troubled assets, such as mortgage-backed securities.
"We are looking at a number of initiatives that will allow us to move aggressively and responsibly to address the economic and financial crisis both on Wall Street and Main Street, including programs to provide targeted foreclosure relief," said Stephanie Cutter, an Obama spokeswoman.
Mr. Paulson initially planned to help financial institutions by purchasing troubled assets through the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program approved by Congress in October. Banks are struggling with a glut of those assets, which continue to fall in price, forcing the banks to write down the losses and take a financial hit.

But Mr. Paulson jettisoned that idea in favor of taking $250 billion of equity stakes in banks, arguing that was a quicker and more effective way to encourage banks to lend money to consumers, businesses and each other. However, the credit crisis has continued despite Treasury's efforts, prompting criticism from lawmakers and Wall Street.

On Tuesday, Mr. Paulson acknowledged that banks aren't lending enough money despite the government infusion, but said the U.S. didn't want to nationalize the industry and dictate the loans banks make.

Much of the Obama team's financial rescue package likely won't be known until the new administration takes office next month. Some of it depends on whether Mr. Paulson seeks the second half of the promised $700 billion. Treasury's initial $350 billion batch is rapidly dwindling and could be further drained by aid to struggling U.S. auto makers.

Lawmakers have made it clear that if Treasury wants to get the next tranche, it will need to come up with a foreclosure-mitigation plan and enact stricter requirements on banks that get government funds. Mr. Paulson has said he wants the Obama team to support any new programs, but the Obama team has yet to engage with Treasury on current efforts.
Mr. Paulson, in an interview with CNBC on Tuesday, said the government had enough "firepower," and suggested he had no current plans to tap the second tranche.

Some lawmakers want Mr. Paulson to request the funds. House Financial Services Chairman Barney Frank (D., Mass.) said he has told the Obama team it should work with Mr. Paulson to request the second $350 billion and embark quickly on a foreclosure-prevention plan.
"My hope is for them to agree with Paulson that he should request the second $350 billion as soon as we [Congress] reconvene," Mr. Frank said in an interview.—

Jessica Holzer contributed to this article.
Write to Deborah Solomon at

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